29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Feature Week-DAY 3: Archive 104 "John Bolé"

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Everyday this week I will be featuring independent designers that contribute to the male fashion movement. Today, get identified with 'John-Clifton Victor's company "John Bolé".

Howlong has your line of custom jewelry been around and what prompted you to startit?
My line ofcustom jewelry has been around for purchase since May of this year. But Istarted making jewelry for myself in February of this year. The idea of JohnBolé birthed during a trip to New York with one of my best homies and DesignAssistant, Zac McBride. We were doing a little shopping and ran across a reallynice bracelet ridiculously over-priced. (I’ve always been a “crafty” personwanting to alter different things or re-making it if possible.) So again, theidea of, “What if I could make that” popped in my head. A few months later Iactually decided to give that vision a try. I started making my own bracelets solelyjust for my own personal use. When I would wear them, my peers, along withpeople I didn’t know, begin to compliment my bracelets a lot and constantlywould ask me where I bought them. After telling them that I made it, almost ofthem would ask me to make them one. After getting that same repeated response,the idea of turning my craft into a profitable business came to me. I took thenecessary steps to put my ideas into action and here we are now.

Why did you choose to go with the name “John Bolé” as the product associationfor your brand?
John Boléis a partial version of my first and middle name. I wanted to give my brand aself-titled name simply because the brand represents me in every way.

Maleaccessories are currently a huge market especially bracelets. You tapped intoan area that all styles of men can appreciate. When it comes to your designingprocess, do you customize styles based off the mindset of what you think yourcustomers will like? Or do you solely base it off your personal style?
I definitely try totap into my clients’ own personal style, while inducing a touch of my mine to keep the integrityof the brand.

From following your instagram, one can conclude that you have a GREATsense of personal style. What advice would you have for a guy interested inyour product but doesn’t feel he has a great sense of style and may not knowhow to wear it?
I wouldsuggest for that guy who doesn’t consider himself to be heavily into fashionand or men’s accessories to start off with what I call, “The BeauplicityCollection.” This collection was added to John Bolé specifically for that guyor girl. It’s not as intricate as the other pieces in my line but it yet has avalor of design to capture attention. In the near future I plan to totallyrevamp my site to where models will show how to wear my pieces exemplifying allstyles.  

I’mmost impressed with your beading combinations. In viewing the detail of your collection,it seems as if your designing style is more centralized on detail. With most ofyour arrangements, you keep a simple base of like beads and finalize the look witha small yet impactful  dose of more extravagant beads or charms. Why have you chosenthis route of design?
It’s interesting that you ask that. I’m a recent graduate ofPrairie View A&M University School of Architecture. The “simple chic”approach to things started there, in my design studio class. I’ve always takena literal approach to design rather than the fantasy approach. I’m all aboutthe “pop of…” effect and what the everyday consumer could actually appreciate.

Who is your target market and why did you chose that demographic?
My target market doesn't have a particular demographic, persay. But my market is targeted to that lady or gentleman that loves toaccessorize and look dope doing so.

Your site is very clean, professional and gets straight to the point whenshowcasing your unique product. What is your advice to other entrepreneurs whomay lack a polished, customer friendly website like yourself? Why was that soimportant to you, because it definitely shows?
I wouldsay put yourself in the shoes of the consumer. I always ask myself, if I sawthis presented in this way, would I buy it? That pretty much determines the wayI do things, considering my resources. This is very important to me because ifyou wouldn’t support your own brand, who else would?

Take me through the process of brainstorming when coming up with newideas for your designs. Do you envision a bracelet and then sought out to findits materials, or do you base your designs off what you find when shopping forbeads?
I utilize both methods. Ideas for new designs can come inmany different ways. But it normally happens all at once in my head, whether ifI’m driving, dreaming, or bead shopping. I normally don’t sit and sketch designs,unless the client requests specific beads.

What inspires you?
All thingsthat are shinny inspire me. 

Outside of bracelets you also make necklaces that are also featured onyour site. Do you have any aspirations in expanding that venture, adding newmaterials to your current inventory or introducing new products (i.e rings,earrings, brooches, etc)?
In the future, I plan to expand John Bolé to all humanelypossible accessories and pet accessories as well. I also plan to venture intoclothing at some point.

Do you make custom orders for customers? If so, how does that processwork?
Everything within the John Bolé brand is handcrafted by me/ adesign assistant.

Would you say your affordable price points reflect the time that goesinto making your product? Would you ever consider an increase on your product?
It’s a give a take process. Some things take a bit longer toconstruct than others. But I use that issue to drive me to increasing the speedof my craftsman-ship. In the future there probably will be a minor priceincrease, but it won’t be a bank breaking increase. All pricing will fairlybenefit the customer as well as the company alike.

What has been your proudest moment thus far in starting your line andwhere would you like to see it grow?
My proudest moment has been when a homie of mines visitedanother city and was stopped by another visiting stranger acknowledging thefact that he knew my homie had on a John Bolé bracelet. I want John Bolé to beknown Internationally and the sky is the limit!!!

To check out John Bolé's  full collection and to inquire about ordering, he can be reached via these outlets: 

www.johnbole.comFor CustomOrders: customerservice.johnbole@gmail.comForBusiness Inquiries: jvictor.johnbole@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/johnboleaccessoriesTwitter: @mrjohnboleInstagram:@mrjohnbole
If you have a product that contributes to male fashion or know someone who does, send a media press kit, press release or any helpful information to TheXStylezBlog@gmail.com.
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